
Fax Cover: Page 1 of 1

C-Born Software Systems

59 West Fyans St. Geelong, 3220 Victoria, AUSTRALIA.
Phone +61 52 290144  Fax +61 52 290248  Pager +61 16 374 798
email: dave@cborn.pth.alcoa.com

To: AmigaFax User August 22, 2022

Dear User,

This is a demonstration fax produced with the dvifax module. This takes a .DVI file, produced by AmigaTEX  as its input, and produces a fax file as its output. The TEX system is capable of generating the highest quality output, and the Amiga implementation by Radical Eye Software is one of the best, if not the best, around.

Thanks for your interest in AmigaFax,

Yours Sincerely,

David Varley